Monday, October 20, 2008

How to block Flash Animation on Websites from loading into your Web Browser

Flash provides a great way to make your web page interactive with graphical illustrations etc. But on the other hand visiting flash sites takes up too much of Internet bandwidth. It you are on limited plan or on dial-up connection of Internet then you may wish to block Flash Intro's of websites. You can do it by disabling Flash Animations by setting a killbit for this ActiveX control:

Shockwave Flash objects

Step 1. Open regedit and backup your registry first. Then navigate to the following location
(HKLM\SOFTWARE\microsoft\Internet Explorer\Active X compatibility)

Step 2. Create a sub key named (D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000)

Step 3. In the right pane, create a new REG-DWORD value (right click and it will give you option) named 'Compatibility Flags' and set the data for compatibility Flag to 40 (hexadecimal)

Step 4. Close regedit and reboot.

To undo the change, merge the REG file, which you have created, or simply delete the entry
(D27CDB6E-AE6D-1CF-96B8-444553540000) sub key under Active X Compatibility.

Another way is you can restore the registry from the backup you have created.

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