Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Back up Windows 7 activation file—activate automatically when reinstall

Windows activation process is a bother for people who keep formatting their drives because they love experimenting with their systems. But online activation doesnot work after few times and then you have to talk to a machine or man to get it activated on phone.

Now what if I tell you that it is possible to backup your activation files and after fresh install just copy these files back and your windowes 7 will be activated. Nothing is impossible in this world. so here is the trick:

make two batch files, then you can handle it easily.
(1) Execution about two “batch files”:
1. Back up activation file “batch”
  @echo off
  copy %windir%System32spptokenspkeyconfigpkeyconfig .xrm-ms
  copy %windir%
ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMi crosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatformtokens.dat
Copy the contents above and paste to notepad, save as the file “activation backup.bat”.

2. Resume activation file “batch”
 @echo off
  net stop sppsvc /y
takeown /f "%WinDir%System32spptokenspkeyconfigpkeyconfig.xrm-ms&q
ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatformtokens.dat" /e /g everyone:f
  cacls "%WinDir%System32spptokenspkeyconfigpkeyconfig.xrm-ms" /e /g everyone:f
  ren "%WinDir%ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatformtokens.dat" "tokens.bak"
  ren "%WinDir%System32spptokenspkeyconfigpkeyconfig.xrm-ms" "pkeyconfig.bak"
  copy tokens.dat "%WinDir%ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatform"
  copy pkeyconfig.xrm-ms "%WinDir%System32spptokenspkeyconfig"
  del "%WinDir%ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatformtokens.bak"
  del "%WinDir%System32spptokenspkeyconfigpkeyconfig.bak"
  net start sppsvc
  cscript %windir%system32slmgr.vbs -ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
  cscript %windir%system32slmgr.vbs –ato
replace the “XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX” inside with the key to activate the system. And save as the file “resume activation.bat”.
(2) Usage about the two “batch” files
First, put these two batch files above to a same folder anywhere on the drive. Run the file “activation backup.bat” in administrator’s identity and then you can get the backup of the two activation files.
Second, after reinstalling system, when offline, run the file “resume activation.bat” in administrator’s identity, then system would auto activate.
Copy the contents above and paste to notepad,

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to reinstates Hide Recent Activity option in Facebook

In one of the recent updates to the Facebook site, the company removed the ability to customize what Recent Activity appears on your Wall. These are little stories of actions you have taken elsewhere on the site, and they are republished on your Wall for your friends to see.
It’s worth noting that your friends can only view your Recent Activity that they can view elsewhere: for example, a wall post you made on a mutual friend’s wall or a comment you posted on a photo that both you and your friend can see. In other words, if they cannot the action you made elsewhere on Facebook, they will not see at story of it on your Wall. Of course, you can see everything since you made the actions.
Previously, you could disable this functionality and clean up your Wall with only activity you make on it (status updates) and posts your friends make on your Wall. This functionality was recently removed and users were stuck with whatever they had customized their Walls to prior to the site update. You had to manually remove anything you didn’t want on your Wall. Now, the company has brought back the option to automatically hide all current and future stories of a given Recent Activity type. This change can also be reverted if need be.
For example, I have always wanted to remove “Wall posts you make” from my wall. These are snippets of wall posts I make on my friends’ walls and I don’t want them littering my own wall. Again my friends will still be able to the actual posts I made, and they will still show up as stories in their News feed; they just won’t be present not on my Wall.
To remove them, I can now click on the x beside one such story (under Recent Activity on my wall) and choose “Hide all Wall post activity…” from the drop down menu (the other option removes just that post). From there, I am prompted with “Wall posts you make will no longer appear in the recent activity section of your Wall. Edit Options” and can choose Hide all.
Scrolling down, I noticed that I wanted to do the same for comment activity (such as posts on friends’ photos) because it was also littering my wall. Other stories you can also hide include Friending activity, Things you like, Platform activity, Questions activity, Changes to your profile, and so on.
The Edit Options link is worth taking a closer look at. If you don’t click it when you are making changes to your profile story settings, don’t worry as you can still find the link at the bottom of your profile. On the left there is a link to show Older Posts and on the right there should be a link for Edit Options. Clicking the right link opens up a “Edit your profile story settings” window where you can undo the changes you have made.
Notice that it does not list all options in Recent Activity that you can disable, but merely the ones you have disabled. In this way, Facebook is forcing you to only be able to remove types of stories that are currently on your Wall: you can’t simply disable everything from ever appearing (I would certainly choose that if I could).
Being able to hide this Recent Activity allows users to engage with more content on Facebook and not have to clean up their own Wall afterwards by removing content they don’t want there. It should be particularly useful to Facebook users who are always using the site as well as those who are more sensitive about their actions on the social network being shown on their own Wall.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Import your contacts from Google Gmail to Outlook

1.     Log on to your Google Gmail account.
2.     In the left column, click Contacts.
3.     On the right side of your screen, above the message count, click Export.
4.     Click Outlook CSV (for import into Outlook clients).
5.     Click Export Contacts.
6.     When prompted to download the export file, click Save.
7.     Choose a location on your computer to temporarily save the file. The default file name is gmail-to-outlook.csv.
 NOTE   You can delete this file after your contacts are imported into Outlook.
8.     Click Save.
9.     In Outlook, on the File menu, click Import and Export.
10.   Click Import from another program or file, and then click Next.
11.   Click Comma Separated Values (DOS), and then click Next.
12.   In the Import a File box, browse to find the file you downloaded in step 8, and then double-click the file.
13.   Click one of the following:
·         Replace duplicates with items imported
·         Allow duplicates to be created
·         Do not import duplicate items
14.   Click Next.
15.   In the folder list, click the Contacts folder where you want the imported contact information to go, and then click Next.
16.   To add or remove fields to determine the way the contact information is saved in the new imported file, click Map Custom Fields.
 NOTE   The Map Custom Fields button in the Import a File dialog box might not be available when you try to import data from another program or file. In the The following actions will be performed box, select the Import check box, and then theMap Custom Fields button is available.

17.   Click Finish.