Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to Disable The Disk Performance Counter

XP contains an inbuilt performance monitor that examines various areas of your system. This information can be called up using the performance monitor application, found in Control Panel > Administrative Tools. Most of us have little interest in this sort of performance statistics monitoring, that being more the territory of system administrators

XP, however, is still monitoring away, and some of its observation tools use a considerable amount of resources. Disk monitoring is an example of this, and its a good idea to turn the disk monitors off if you are not planning on using the performance monitor app.


To disable the performance counter, go to Start > Run, type in “cmd”, and type in “diskperf -N”. This does away with the unnecessary monitoring that eats up valuable resources. To turn it back on, all you need to do is go back to the command prompt and type in diskperf -Y”.


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