Sunday, September 14, 2008

How to Hide Users On The Welcome Screen

You can have many user's accounts in Windows XP. When you add an account for certain users in Windows XP, their user names appear on the Welcome Screen. Sometimes a user needs to be added to a computer because they need access via a network to resources on the machine, but he or she will not be physically logging in to the computer. Or for some other reason you want to remove the users name from welcome screen while keeping the users account.

To do this, open the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserLi st

Right-click in the empty space in the right pane and create a new DWORD Value. Name this new value
‘Username’ and enter ‘0’ as the data value.

If you want to enable this user again on the Welcome Screen, either double-click the ‘Username’ value and change the Value Data to ‘1’, or delete the value.

Note : Always back up your registy before you make any change in it.

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